D/L- Lactic Acid

D/L- Lactic Acid

L- Lactic acid (HMDB0000190 ) and D-Lactic acid (HMDB0001311), both can contribute to metabolic acidosis, but their relative contributions are distinguishing due to their different origins and metabolic pathways. L-lactate is the most abundant enantiomer of lactate. It is formed mainly during anaerobic glycolysis by conversion of pyruvate to L-lactate by lactate dehydrogenase .The origin of D-lactate in human metabolism is thought to be derived from two major sources, namely, degradation of methylglyoxal into D-lactate by the glyoxalase pathway and production by intestinal bacteria. This analytical method allows to separate between both enantiomers. It is usually combined with Polar metabolomics profiling.