Biomedical Core Facility


The Biomedical Core Facility (BCF) is a one-stop shop for state-of-the-art technology and expertise. Over the years the Faculty of Medicine together with the Technion has been committed to providing excellent resources to all scientists and has invested both in advanced instruments and highly-trained personnel to operate the equipment and support investigators. At the BCF researchers receive help at all experimental stages: design, execution, and data analysis.



For more information on the new acquisitions in In Vivo Imaging, please contact Dr. Galit Saar or Noga Kalish-Achrai to discuss how we can support your experiment. VECTor7 PET/SPECT/CT/OI  

New at BCF: Olympus VS200 Slide Scanner

For more information on the new acquisitions in Light Microscopy, please contact Maya Holdengreber to discuss how we can support your experiment. Slide Scanner Olympus VS200    

New at BCF: BD Cell Sorter FACSDiscover S8

For more information on the new acquisitions in Cytometry, please contact Dr. Amir Grau to discuss how we can support your experiment. BD Cell Sorter FACSDiscover S8    

New at BCF: BD Analyzer FACSymphony A5 SE

For more information on the new acquisitions in Cytometry please contact Dr. Amir Grau to discuss how we can support your experiment. BD Analyzer FACSymphony A5 SE