Ultramicrotome Leica EM UC7

Ultramicrotome Leica EM UC7

Thin Sections at Room and Cryo Temperatures  

The Leica EM UC7 Ultramicrotome is used for the preparation of ultra- or semi-thin sections for Transmission EM, Scanning EM, AFM and LM imaging. It is used to create a perfect smooth block face for Scanning EM and AFM. Our device is equipped with the Cryochamber EM FC7 which allows the preparation of ultrathin cryo-sections at temperatures between -15°C and -185°C.

Please contact Dr. Lihi Shaulov, tel. 07-887-1125 for more information and to coordinate a meeting to discuss the possibilities.

Academic Head: Assoc. Prof. Tom Schultheiss.