Other Cell Sorters

We house a FACSAria IIIu (from BD Biosciences) instrument, a digital high-speed cell sorter. It is equipped with 5 laser lines; 375nm, 405nm, 488nm, 561nm and 633nm) with 13 fluorescence detectors for use in complex cell sorting plus forward and side scatter. We support 2- and 4-way sorting into 1.5ml, 5ml or 15ml collecting tubes, with four sizes of nozzles (70, 85, 100 and 130µm) to accommodate a wide range of particle sizes. In addition, the Automated Cell Deposition Unit (ACDU) option is available for sorting directly into multi-well plates or onto microscope slides. We also have a temperature-controlled sample chamber and collection tube holder to support cell viability and an Aerosol Management Option (AMO) for biohazard containment.
For filters and channel information see here.
Pre-reservation is required via BookItLab. Please make sure of the availability of our staff prior to reserving your session.
The Aria is technician-operated and is available from 8am to 6pm Sunday to Thursday. During these hours, the Aria will be set up for you by the FMC staff based on your needs documented on the BookItLab reservation. Operation outside normal times may be possible by prior arrangement. For further information or if you need assistance please contact Amir Grau.
Please see our Beginner’s Guide on “How to bring your cells for sorting” for some tips and tricks.