

Our BD FACSMelody cell sorter makes running a sorter as easy as running an analyzer, with new automation taking care of all sort setup and monitoring. User-friendly BD FACSChorus software provides researchers with a supportive and comprehensive workflow experience. Ease of use comes without compromise; built on core BD cell sorting technology BD FACSMelody delivers high performance and sensitivity to resolve dim and rare populations.

The FACSMelody sorter is equipped with three lasers (405, 488 and 640 nm) and can detect up to nine fluorescent parameters in addition to forward and side scatter. The sorter has four-way and single-cell sorting capabilities, is equipped with an Automated Cell Deposition Unit (ACDU) allowing sorting to slides, and 6, 24, 48, 96 and 384 well plates. To maintain viability, the sample chamber is temperature controlled. This instrument is installed in a biosafety cabinet to increase user and sample protection.

For filters and channel information see here.

The sorter is available for trained users in a self-operating mode. Untrained users must contact core personnel to schedule hands-on training.

Pre-reservation is required and can be done via our reservation system BookItlab.

Acquisition is performed with the BD FACSChorus software. FCS files should be exported to our bcf-server after acquisition. Please make sure to back up your data – we are not doing so!

The FACSMelody Quick Reference Guide for ease of operation is available here. A complete user manual is also available for additional operations.

For further information or if you need assistance please contact Amir Grau.

See our Beginner’s Guide on “How to bring your cells for sorting” for some tips and tricks.

Useful links