Other Plate Readers & Scanners
Odyssey M

LI-COR Biosciences Odyssey M is a multimodal imager for membrane, plate and gel-based assays.
Excitation Lasers
488nm, 520nm, 685nm, 785nm.
Quantitative fluorescent western blots, In-Cell Western Assay, ELISA, ELISA spot, nucleic acid gels, protein arrays, RNAi, whole slide imaging (stained/fluorescent).
LEDs for Epi- and Trans-illumination
470nm, 525nm, 630nm.
- Coomassie or silver staining of protein gels
- Western blot membranes using colorimetric substrates or stains
- Colorimetric MW markers used in chemiluminescent blots
sCMOS image sensor.
5 μm, 10 μm, 20 μm, 50 μm, 100 μm.
Scan Surface
Total Scan Area: 25 cm W × D 18 cm.
For image analysis and band quantification, we recommend the TOTALAB Quant software. Please contact Dr. Ofer Shenker or Shiran Zafrani for more details.
For gel documentation and plate imaging, the Odyssey M can be reserved through our online reservation system.
First-time users, please contact Dr. Ofer Shenker or Shiran Zafrani for instruction.
In case of problems, please notify BCF staff.